Thursday, July 28th 2022
A. General
2 rounds
60 sec Row
30sec/ side Elevated Banded ankle rocks
30sec Full squat T spine rotations
2 rounds
60 sec Row
30sec/ side Elevated Banded ankle rocks
30sec Full squat T spine rotations
B. Activation
2 rounds
4/4 Front foot elevated, front rack split squats*
4 Front rack elbow rotations
* Elevate the front foot with a stack of plates or a lower box.
Front Squat (Weight)
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time
30 Box Jump Over 24/20" (step down)
30 Alternating DB Clean and jerk 1×50/35lbs
30 Box Jump Over 24/20" (step down)
30 Alternating DB Clean and jerk 1×50/35lbs
KG: 22.5/15 KG
TC: 15 mins
Score: Time
TC: 15 mins
Score: Time
Scaling Options
20 Box Jump or Step ups
20 Alternating DB Clean and jerk @ moderate
25 BJO, step down, like in the open
30 Alternating DB Clean and jerk @ 35/25lbs
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
EMOM 9minutes
Min 1: 10 Cal Row @damper 10 + hard
Min 2: 10 Heavy Wall Balls or Wall Balls @ 12’
Min 3: 10 Band resisted jumping squats
Min 1: 10 Cal Row @damper 10 + hard
Min 2: 10 Heavy Wall Balls or Wall Balls @ 12’
Min 3: 10 Band resisted jumping squats
Set 1: 5 @80%
Set 2: 4 @ 85%
Set 3: 4 @ 85%
Set 4: 4 @ 82%
Set 5: 4 @ 82%
TC: 10 min
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
5×4 @ Tempo Across
As Written