Tuesday, July 5th 2022
A. General
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Prone Angels
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Prone Angels
B. mobility
PNF lat stretch on floor
10 rep/arm
– Contraction for 7-10 seconds
– stretching for 10 seconds
C. Specific HS drills
-Stacked HS hold on boxes (Hips, shoulers, hands in a stacked vertical line)
-Slow controlled wall walks (Go as high as possible)
-HS plates drill
-HS hold with a spotter
Free handstand practice
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Every 4 min x 5 rounds
24/20 Cal row
16 Burpee over erg
12 Ring dips
24/20 Cal row
16 Burpee over erg
12 Ring dips
TC: 20 min
Score: Interval Times
Score: Interval Times
Scaling Options
18/16 Cal row
12 Burpees
8 Feet assisted Ring dips
20/18 Cal row
12 Burpee over erg
12 Band assisted Assisted Ring dips
Every 4 min x 5 rounds
2 rounds
12/10 Cal row
6 Burpee box jump @30/24"
3 Ring mu
Extra Accessory
8 sets
3 Strict TTB*
6 Slam ball 30/20 lbs
Rest 45 seconds
3 Strict TTB*
6 Slam ball 30/20 lbs
Rest 45 seconds
* Add weight with medball if possible
Dynamic core endurance.
Score: Completion
Scaling Options
Headstand / Pike HS on box
As Written