Wednesday, June 15th 2022

A. General
1 min Row or Bike
10 Scap pull ups in bar or rings
10-20 sec support on rings or parallettes
5-10 Ring Rows / strict pull ups + 5-10 ring dips or assisted ring dips

B. Mobility
Banded front delt PNF stretch
5 x 5 sec Contract/5 sec Stretch

C. Ring mu Drills
3 sets On the low rings
2 Snap pulls + 1 Ring mu:
5 Banded sling shot muscle up OR Sit-up Floor muscle up

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 sets
4-6 jumping BMU (using box)
4-6 box dips
Rest as needed between sets

TC:10 min
Score: Total Reps

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
For time
30/24 Cal Row
20 pull ups
30 Step ups 2×50/35 lbs (farmer)
20 pull ups
30 Step ups 2×50/35 lbs (front rack)
20 pull ups
30 OH (in place) lunges 2×50/35 lbs
30/24 Cal Row

KG: 22.5/15 KG
TC: 25 min
Score: Time

Scaling Options
20/16 Cal Row
15 Assisted Pull Ups
30 Step ups @ Bodyweight
15 Assisted Pull Ups
30 Step ups @ Bodyweight
105 Assisted Pull Ups
20 OH (in place) Lunges @ Bodyweight
20/16 Cal Row

Extra Accessory
Power Conditioning
Every 90 seconds x 6
10sec max Cal Assault bike
25′ Sled push sprint @moderate