Wednesday, June 22nd 2022

A. General
2 sets
30 sec row or bike
30sec Front rack stretch on floor or box
30sec Rotating scorpions

B. Mobility
Goblet squat hold + shift
3 x 10 seconds stretch/ankle. Stand up for 5-10 seconds before the next set

C. Specific
3 sets
4 Pause Front squat@ Ascending
4/side 1 1/4 Bulgarian split squats*

Front Squat (Weight)
5 sets @70-75%
1 Front Squat 1&1/4
1 Paused Front Squat (2sec bottom)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Focus on form !

TC: 12 min
Score; Weight

Scaling Options
3 sets @Moderate
2 Pause Squat

As Written

3 sets

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 sets of
3 mins work / 1 min rest
20 Hang clean 115/75lbs
20 TTB
Max Bar facing burpees

KG: 55/35 KG
TC: 16 min
Score: Burpees Completed

Scaling Options
15 Hang clean @ Light
15 Hanging Knee Raise
Max Burpees

20 Hang clean @95/65
20 Toes to eye level
Max Bar facing burpees

Every 3 mins x 4 sets
15 Hang clean @115/75
15 TTB
15 Bar facing burpees

Extra Accessory
3-5 sets
8 Swiss ball leg Curls
45/45 secs Side plank on Swiss ball

If no Swiss ball: Use rings or rower bench