Friday, June 24th 2022
A. General
30 sec Row or Bike
30 sec Inchworms
30 sec Row or Bike
30 sec Soldier Walk
30 sec Row or Bike
30 sec Band lat pull down
30 sec Row or Bike
30 sec Inchworms
30 sec Row or Bike
30 sec Soldier Walk
30 sec Row or Bike
30 sec Band lat pull down
B. Mobility
Rotating scorpions
60 seconds
C. Specific
2 sets
3 x 1&1/4 push-ups*
5 Scap pulls + 1 kipping pull-up @3sec down
*Beginners can do these hand elevated
Metcon (Weight)
3-4 sets
10 DB pullovers 1×50/35lbs + band
10 Tall kneeling Banded angel
10 Glute bridge Floor press (DBs or BB)
10 DB pullovers 1×50/35lbs + band
10 Tall kneeling Banded angel
10 Glute bridge Floor press (DBs or BB)
Lynne (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Bodyweight Bench Press
Make sure athletes hit a minimum of 8 reps/movement/round.
Make sure athletes hit a minimum of 8 reps/movement/round.
Extra Accessory
GHD situps
5 x 15-20 reps
5 x 15-20 reps
Core Endurance
TC: 15 min
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
Beginner & Intermediate
Reduce load on pullovers as needed. Can be done with only the band.
5 sets
10 DB Bench Press@ 2x 50/35 lbs
10 Tall kneeling Banded angel