Sunday, June 26th 2022


A. Wall Ball Volleyball

You can have 1 or 2 "courts" depending on the size of your class. Having smaller groups will allow equal distribution of wallballs.

B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg

C. Specific
2 sets
12/10 Cal row
6 DB deadlifts
6 DB hang cleans
6 DB hang squat cleans
6 DB thrusters

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 12minutes
20/16 Calorie Machine
16 DB Hang squat cleans 2×50/35lbs
16 Slam Balls 30/20lbs

Rest 4 minutes

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 12minutes
50 double unders
16 Wall balls 20/14lbs
16 V-ups / Knee tucks

KG: 22.5/15, 9/6 KG
TC: 28 min
Score: Rounds and Reps

Scaling Options
16/12 calorie Machine
12 DB Hang squat cleans @ Moderate
12 Slam Balls @ Light

50 Single unders
12 Wall balls @ Moderate
12 Knee tucks / Leg Raises or Sky touches

20/16 calorie Machine
16 DB Hang squat cleans @ 35/25lbs
16 Slam Balls @ 30/20lbs

30 double unders
16 Wall balls @ 20/14lbs
16 V-ups / Knee tucks


Extra Accessory
Dragon flags
5 x 5