Sunday, June 5th 2022

A. General
3 sets
30sec Bike
10 Wall Balls
10 Banded T pull aparts

B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg

C. Specific
2 sets
5/5 Single leg KB RDL’s
7 Tall kneeling Banded Angels
5 pause DB push press*
*Pause at the bottom

Metcon (Time)
6 Rounds
1000m Bike
20 KB Deadlifts, 2×32/24kg
20 DB Push press 2×50/35lbs

TC: 30 mins
KG: 22.5/15
Score: Time

Scaling options
6 Rounds
Bike 700m
20 DB Deadlifts @ light
20 DB Push press @ light

5 Rounds
Bike 1000m
15-20 KB Deadlifts, 32/24KG x 2
15-20 DB Push press 50/35lbs x 2

Extra Accessory
3 sets
30 sec/side Lying Cross Body glue stretch
30 sec/side PNF Hamstring Stretch
30 sec/side Hip 90 90