Thursday, June 9th 2022

A. General
Amrap 4 minutes
200m jog
25’ Soldiers walk
10 beat swings

B. Mobility
Tall Kneeling Banded Internal Rotation shoulder stretch

Contract (down) for 5 seconds / relax (up) for 5 seconds
5 reps/side

C. Specific
3 sets
– 4-6 Banded tall kneeling lat pulldown
– 25’ Double foot runner hops x 3*
– Hollow body hold 30 seconds

Metcon (Weight)
Strict Pull up/Band assisted strict C2B
5 x 5

TC: 10 min
Score; Weight

Scaling Options
5×5 Band or partner assisted Pull Up

Metcon (Time)
3.2K (3200m) Run

400m x 8 w/ 25′ heavy farmer’s carry or 800m x 4 w/ 50′ farmer’s carry

TC: 20 min
Score: Time

Scaling Options
Run: 400m x 4 or 800m x 2

Run: 400m x 6 or 800m x 3

Extra Accessory
Standing Banded W
3 x 15
Hold 5 seconds every 5 reps

To counteract the intense loading of the front of the body, we pull our upper back to target the upper posterior chain.