Wednesday, March 16th 2022

A. General
3 sets
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
10 muscle clean, no hook grip no contact
3 Tall cleans
*Receive lower and lower each rep

B.. Clean Drills
*Focus on cueing leg drive & reception
5 Clean High pull
5 Heaving hang squat clean (No feet, contact is fine)
5 Tempo Squat clean

C. Metcon Prep
2 sets @ascending
3 Power cleans
6 Wall balls
20 double unders
*Try and spend a little bit of time with each athlete to help them refine their power clean cycling.

Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
Squat Clean
Every 2 mins x 6
Max reps in 20 seconds @ 75-80%

TC: 12 mins
Score: Weight across + Reps

Scaling options
Power Clean*
Every 2 mins x 6
3 reps @Ascending
*attempt to squat clean or catch power deep

As Written


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 12minutes
8 Power Clean 135/95lbs
20 Wall balls 20/14lbs
50 Double-unders

KG:60/45 kg, 10/7kg
TC: 12minutes
Score: Rounds + Reps

Scaling options
Amrap 12
8 Power Clean @Moderate
16 Wall balls @ Moderate
50 Single Unders

Amrap 12
8 Power Clean @105/65
15 Wall balls @20/14 lbs
50 Double unders or Single Unders*
*Attempt Double every 10 Reps

Amrap 12
8 Power Clean and Jerk @135/85
20 Wall balls @20/14 lbs
50 Double unders

Extra Accessory
slam ball into Broad jumps

4 sets of
5 + 50′
Rest 60 seconds between sets