Friday, March 25th 2022
A. General
2 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
4/4 KB Russian swing, one arm
4/4 KB high pull, one arm
4/4 KB overhead returns, one arm
4/4 KB snatches, one arm
2 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
4/4 KB Russian swing, one arm
4/4 KB high pull, one arm
4/4 KB overhead returns, one arm
4/4 KB snatches, one arm
B. Activation
3 sets @ascending
5 Bench press
10 Banded W-Y
C. Metcon prep
Allow advanced athletes the time to warm up and prep their BMU & HS walk
Set up beginner and intermediate athletes for their respective scales.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Every 2 mins x 4 sets
6 DB Bench press @RPE 8
6 DB Bench press @RPE 8
Metcon (Time)
9 rounds
3 Bar Muscle-ups
4/4 KB snatch 24/16 Kg
25’ HS walk
3 Bar Muscle-ups
4/4 KB snatch 24/16 Kg
25’ HS walk
Rest 1 min every 3 rounds
TC: 17 mins
Score: Time
Score: Time
Scaling options
9 rounds
3 Jumping pull ups
8 KB swings @ moderate
1 Wall walk
9 rounds
3 Jumping Bar mu or CTB
4/4 Single arm russian KB swings @ heavy
3 Wall walks or 10-16 Shoulder taps on wall
12 rounds
3 Bar Muscle-ups
4/side KB snatch @70/53lbs
25′ Hs walk
Rest 1 min after every 4 rounds
Extra Accessory
Seated banded row
3 x 12 @ 2 second eccentric
3 x 12 @ 2 second eccentric
Score: Weight across
Scaling options
Every 2 mins x 4 sets
6 Bench press @Moderate
As written
Bench Press
4 x 10
Rest 60-90 sec between sets