Thursday, March 3rd 2022

A. General
2 rounds
45 sec Row/Bike/Ski or 200m Run @Easy
25’/25′ Single arm OH Carry
5/5 Single Arm Bent Over Row

B. Mobility
Banded wrist rocks
2 sets of 10 -15reps/wrist, hold every stretch for 2-3 seconds

C. Rope climb drills
*Starting in a standing position on the floor
Feet locked on rope + bottom of squat + arms extended overhead
Legs extended (standing) + arms bent
*hands and feet never move

Box rope climbs
*Seated on a box
Foot lock hold
Foot lock then stand
*Move to advanced

3 reps at each piece
Jump to hold
Jump to hold + foot lock
Jump to hold + foot lock + stand
Jump to 2 pulls or a full rope climb

Metcon (Time)
For time
40 Strict Knees to elbows
200 Alternating Single DB front rack lunges @50/35 lbs


2 rounds
20 Strict knees to elbows
100 Alternating Single DB front rack lunges @50/35 lbs


5 rounds
8 Strict knees to elbows
40 Alternating Single DB front rack lunges @50/35 lbs

Score: Time
TC: 30 min

Scaling options
Bodyweight lunges
Seated ring chin ups:
Seated Rope chin up (same setup with a rope)

Int: Reduced reps

Extra Accessory
Glute Ham Raise
10 x 4 reps
30 sec rest

If you don’t have a GHD, you can sub Good Mornings at a moderate weight. We are looking to help develop hamstring and glute strength and stability. Focus on control.