Wednesday, May 11th 2022
A. General
30 sec Row or Bike
10 rotating scorpions
30 sec Row or Bike
10 Pause Ring rows
30 sec Row or Bike
10 Beat swings
*Go into Part A. pull-ups at this point with time for practice and instruction*
30 sec Row or Bike
10 rotating scorpions
30 sec Row or Bike
10 Pause Ring rows
30 sec Row or Bike
10 Beat swings
*Go into Part A. pull-ups at this point with time for practice and instruction*
B. Mobility
PNF Pigeon Stretch
5 seconds Contraction, pushing knee into the floor
5 seconds stretch, relax and bring the chest over the knee
*If any knee pain have the athlete elvate the leg, with the shin on a box
C. Specific (Pre metcon)
Test round
12 OHS @working weight
12 BJ overs
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 unbroken sets
2-4 Strict Pull-ups
5-10 Kipping Pull-ups
3-5 Tempo Pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes
2-4 Strict Pull-ups
5-10 Kipping Pull-ups
3-5 Tempo Pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Every 3 minutes for 12mins
2 rounds
12 OH Squats 95/65 lbs
12 Box Jump over 24/20"
2 rounds
12 OH Squats 95/65 lbs
12 Box Jump over 24/20"
RX+: Perform version
KG: 42/30
Score: Time of each round
Score: Time of each round
Every 3 minutes for 12mins
2 rounds
8-10 OH Squats @light
8-10 Box Jump over @low
Every 3 minutes for 12mins
2 rounds
12 OH Squats @75/55
12 Box Jump over @24/20"
15 OH Squats @95/65 lbs
15 Box Jump over @24/20"
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
High hang Clean Shrugs
4 x 4 @100-105% of 1RM Clean
Rest as needed between sets
4 x 4 @100-105% of 1RM Clean
Rest as needed between sets
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
3 sets
5 Banded Lat Pull Down
2-4 Assisted Strict Pull Ups
3 sets
1-3 Strict Pull-ups
3-5 Kipping Pull-ups
3-5 Tempo Assisted Pull-ups
As written