Thursday, May 19th 2022

A. General
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Lying W-Y

B. Mobility
PNF lat stretch on floor
10 rep/arm
– Contraction for 7-10 seconds
– stretching for 10 seconds

C. Specific
*Med Ball clean instruction*
We will go over the basic med ball clean as a principle of reaching extension, with the goal of this being a transfer of skill for the hang DB clean.

2 sets
5 DB hang squat clean
5 Push-up

Metcon (Time)
For time
100 Alternating DB Hang squat clean 1×50/35lbs
100 Push ups

Choose your own rep adventure
If you have a weight vest, wear it (RX+)

KG: 22.5/15 KG
TC:18 min
Score: Time

Scaling options
10 rounds
10 Alternating Hang squat clean @ Moderate
10 Hand Elevated Push ups

10 rounds
10 Alternating Hang squat clean @ 35/20lbs
8 Push ups

3 sets
5/5 Hanging shoulder cars
5/5 Plank shoulder cars
5/5 Quadruped hip cars Per leg

Score: For quality

Scaling options
Note: You may need to scale the hanging shoulder CAR’s for some athletes by simply placing a box under the athlete in order for them to support their body weight with their legs. You may also need to elevate the hands of an athlete on a box for the plank shoulder CAR’s.

Extra Accessory
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
Team Calorie Challenge!

Pair up in teams of 2 or 3
Perform max calories on the airbike or bike erg in 3 sets of 2 minute amraps
Rest 1 min