Sunday, May 22nd 2022
A. General
Run 200m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Run 400m
25′ Banded Monster Walk
Run 200m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Run 400m
25′ Banded Monster Walk
B. Mobility
PNF Pigeon Stretch
5 seconds Contraction, pushing knee into the floor
5 seconds stretch, relax and bring the chest over the knee
*If any knee pain have the athlete elevate the leg, with the shin on a box
C. Specific
2 sets
5/5 Single leg broad jump
10 Banded good mornings
12 Trap-3 raises
Metcon (Time)
For time
150 KB swings @ 24-16 kg
100 Box step-up overs 24/16kg, 24/20"
3Km Row or 5km Bike
150 KB swings @ 24-16 kg
100 Box step-up overs 24/16kg, 24/20"
3Km Row or 5km Bike
Extra Accessory
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata GHD sit-ups
Score: Time
Scaling Options:
100 Russian KB swings @light
100 Box step-up overs @24/20"
1.6 Km Row or 4km Bike
As written