Monday, May 23rd 2022
A. General
60sec Row/Bike/Ski
7/7 Single leg RDL with empty bar
10 Good Mornings with empty bar
60sec Row/Bike/Ski
7/7 Single leg RDL with empty bar
10 Good Mornings with empty bar
B. Mobility
PNF banded lat stretch
2 sets of 10 reps/arm
C. Specific
2-3 sets
8 beat swings (TTB in later rounds)
6 forward hops:
2 Vertical jumps
Metcon (Distance)
EMOM 6minutes
6 Jumps over hurdles @30/24"+
6 Jumps over hurdles @30/24"+
Setup PVC pipe on top of box (for safety)
** Set up 6 boxes along rig side/wall @ 20". Increase to 24" half way through. If athletes cannot jump at this height, they should jump next to it as high as they can. Leave set up for the day. **
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15 mins
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc
10, 20, 30, 40, 50 etc
Double unders
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc
10, 20, 30, 40, 50 etc
Double unders
TC: 15 min
Score: Rounds and Reps
Score: Rounds and Reps
Scaling options
Hanging knee raises & single unders
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
3-5 sets
8 RDL @ moderate weight
8 Band Face pulls*
* Band @ ankle level
8 RDL @ moderate weight
8 Band Face pulls*
* Band @ ankle level
Posterior chain strength
This is a postural piece, focused on maintaining perfect form, controlling the descent of the RDL until you hit your ideal ROM.
Band face pulls: keep shoulders low and focus on shoulder blade retraction.
Posterior chain strength
This is a postural piece, focused on maintaining perfect form, controlling the descent of the RDL until you hit your ideal ROM.
Band face pulls: keep shoulders low and focus on shoulder blade retraction.
TC: 6mins
Scaling Options
Box jump
6 x 6
Intermediate & Perform
As written