Friday, May 27th 2022

A. General
2min Row/Bike/Ski/Run
At the top of each min: 10 Wall balls

B. Mobility
Front rack bent elbow stretch
5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec relax

C. Specific
2 sets @empty bar
– 10 sec swimmer stretch
– "Bang bang drill"
– 6-10 Tall Jerks
– 6 Push jerks (add tempo if necessary)
*You can start by getting athletes to work on the landing without a barbell, to focus purely on footwork. Have the whole group landing together trying to make as much noise as possible with their feet.

Push Jerk (10-8-6-4-2 @ascending)
TC: 12 min
Score: Weight

Scaling options
5×5 @ascending

Intermediate and Perform
As written

Nasty Girls V2 (Time)
3 Rounds for time of:
50 alternating pistols
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 175# / 115#

TC: 12 min
Score: Time

Scaling options
3 rounds
30 Air squats
5 Ring Row or Strict assisted pull ups
5 Bench Dips
10 Hang cleans @Moderate

3 rounds
40 Air squats
5 Band assisted strict muscle ups*
10 Hang cleans @115/75 lbs

Nasty girls V2

Extra Accessory
3 rounds
20 Band pull apart
20 Push ups or Hand Elevated Push Ups