Sunday, May 8th 2022

A. General
60sec Row/Bike/Ski
7/7 Single leg RDL with empty bar
10 Rotating T spine squats

B. Mobility
PNF banded lat stretch
2 sets of 10 reps/arm

C. Specific
2 sets @ascending
3-5 Front squats
3-5 Push press
3-5 Thrusters
1-3 Burpees

Kalsu (Time)
For Time:
100 Thrusters, 135# / 95#

*Perform 5 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute*
In honor of LT Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970)

KG: 60/42
Score: Time
TC: 30mins

Scaling options
50 Thrusters @moderate
At the top of each min complete 3 burpees

75-100 Thrusters @115/75lbs
At the top of each min complete 3-5 burpees

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Double DB/KB Carry
4 sets
100′ Farmer’s Carry  @Heavy
100′ Front rack @same weight
Rest as needed between sets