Monday, November 1st 2021

A. General
60 sec Row/Bike/Ski
30 sec Wall ball
30 sec Rack position stretch

B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg

C. Specific
4/4 Single leg glute bridge
4 x 1&1/4 Front squats
4 Box jumps

Front Squat (Cluster set 1 + 1)
Cluster set
Build to a max unbroken
1 rep + 10 sec Rack hold + 1 rep

Score: Max weight
TC: 10mins

Scaling options
Front squat
Build to a heavy 3 rep

Intermediate & COMP
As written

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Every 6 mins x 4 sets
3 rounds
1 Legless rope climb
3 Clean & Jerk 225/155 lbs
5 Ring muscle ups

KG: 100/70
Score: Time of each set
TC: 24mins

Rope modifications:
3 Strict chin ups

Scaling options
Every 6 mins x 4 sets
3 rounds
1 Floor rope climb
3 Clean & Jerk @heavy
5 Floor supported ring dips OR Bench dips

Every 6 mins x 4 sets
3 rounds
1 Rope climb
3 Clean & Jerk @185/135 lbs
1-3 Ring muscle ups or Box transition muscle ups

As written

Extra Accessory
Banded good morning
3 x 12
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Goal: Posterior chain muscle activation