Friday, November 12th 2021
A. General
30 sec Easy Row or Bike
15 Air squats
30 sec Moderate Row or Bike
30 sec rack stretch on floor
30 sec Hard Row or Bike
30 sec Easy Row or Bike
15 Air squats
30 sec Moderate Row or Bike
30 sec rack stretch on floor
30 sec Hard Row or Bike
B. Mobility
90/90 hip stretch
60sec per side
C. Specific
3 sets @ascending
3 Back squats
5 Back rack elbow rotations
3 Front squats
*Re rack the bar between the elbow rotations and front squats
Front Squat (2RM)
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
10 DB hang cleans 2×50/35lbs
10 DB hang cleans 2×50/35lbs
right into
3 rounds
20 DB Step ups 1×50/35lbs, 24/20"
5 Wall walks
KG: 22.5/15
Score: Total Time
TC: 10mins
Score: Total Time
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
3 rounds
10 DB hang cleans @2xlight
10 Hand elevated push-ups
right into
3 rounds
20 Step ups
5 Inch worms
3 rounds
10 DB hang cleans @2×35/25lbs
10 Piked HSPU
right into
3 rounds
20 DB Step ups @1×35/25 lbs
1-3 Wall walks
3 rounds
10 DB hang cleans @2×70/50lbs
10 Strict HSPU
right into
3 rounds
20 DB Step ups @1×70/50 lbs
50′ HS walk (25’/25′)
Extra Accessory
Bulgarian Split Squat
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes
Odd: 12 reps left leg
Even: 12 reps right leg
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes
Odd: 12 reps left leg
Even: 12 reps right leg
With a barbell back rack
TC: 15mins
Scaling options
Ascend to a relatively heavy 2 reps
Intermediate & COMP
As written