Sunday, November 14th 2021

A. General
60sec Row or Bike
10 rotating scorpions
10 rotating full squat T spine rotations
30 sec Row or Bike

B. Mobility
World greatest stretch
2 sets of 10-15 rep/side

C. Specific
3 sets
5/5 Front rack bulgarian split squats
5/5 Single arm DB deadlift
5/5 single arm DB push press
20 sec Double unders

Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
20 Alternating DB Snatch 1×50/35lbs
20 DB Step-up over 1×50/35lbs, 24/20"
80 Double unders

Score: Time
TC: 25 mins

Scaling options
5 rounds for time
12-20 DB Snatch @light
15-20 Step-up over @low
60 single unders

5 rounds for time
20 DB Snatch @35/25
20 Step-up over @35/25 + 24/20"
30 Double unders

Extra Accessory
Poliquin Step-ups
3 x 8
Tempo 3-0-X-0

Glute ham raise
3 x 8
Tempo: 3-0-X-0

Poliquin Step-ups: The purpose of the exercise is to target the quads and improve knee stability.

Glute ham raise: The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the hamstrings and improve lower body pulling movements.