CrossFit – Tue, Nov 15


A. General

30 sec Easy Row or Bike

15 Pause Air squats

30 sec Moderate Row or Bike

10 Curtsy lunges

30 sec Hard Row or Bike

B. Mobility

90/90 hip stretch rotations


C. Specific

3 sets @ascending

2-5 Back squats

6 Push press or push jerks

30 sec Double unders

Back Squat (3×5 Back Squat
Set 1 65%, Set 2 75%, Set 3 85%
3rd set is 5+. Do as many reps as possible without failing.

WORKING 1RM is 10% below your true 1RM. All percentages should be calculated off of your working 1RM.)

TC:15 min

Score: Weight

Scaling Options


As Written


As Written


As Written

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 12minutes

6 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 lbs

12 Cal Row

24 Double-unders

KG: 60/45 KG

TC: 12 min

Score Rounds and Reps

Scaling Options


6 S2OH @ unbroken

8 Cal Row

24 Single-unders


6 S2OH 95/65

12 Cal Row

24 Double-unders


As Written

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)

3 sets@AHAP

6/6 Iso-dynamic Bent over KB rows

8/8 Iso-dynamic Arnold press

Goal: Upper body strength hypertrophy

Iso dynamic means one arm is working actively and the other is working isometrically. In the case of the rows, the isometric arm is holding the DB at the chest, the end range of the row.  In the arnold press, the isometric arm is hold the DB at the “Front rack” of the arnold press.