CrossFit – Wed, Nov 16


A. General

3mins Row or Bike @increasing intensity on each min

B. Mobility

World’s Greatest Stretch

10 reps/side

C. Specific

-5 No contact, no hook, muscle cleans

-5 Clean first pulls

-5 Clean pulls

-5 tall cleans

-5 tempo cleans

Muscle Clean (Max for the day)
Metcon (Weight)

Power Clean + Squat Clean

6 x 1 + 1 @130% of A1

TC: 20 min

Score: Weight

Scaling Options


1.Heavy Power Clean for the day

2. 6 x 1+1 @ 70% of Power Clean Above

Intermediate & Perform

As Written

Metcon (Time)

For time

30 Power Clean @75%

Every 90 seconds, perform 10 V-Ups

Start with the V-Ups

TC: 12 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options


30 Power Cleans @ 75/55lbs

Every 90 seconds, perform 10 Alternating Single Leg V Ups


As Written


For time

30 Power Clean @75%

Every 90 seconds, perform 10 GHD Sit-ups

Start with the GHD Sit-ups

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)

3 sets/side

12 lying clam shell

12/12 Single leg Banded prone hamstring curls