CrossFit – Fri, Nov 18


A. General

1 min Row @ increasing intensity

30 sec deep squat T spine rotations

30 sec tall box jumps

B. Specific

3 sets @ascending

3 Back squats

5 Back rack elbow rotations

3 Front squats

*Re rack the bar between the elbow rotations and front squats

Deadlift (3×5 Dead Lift
Set 1 65%, Set 2 75%, Set 3 85%
3rd set is 5+. Do as many reps as possible without failing.

WORKING 1RM is 10% below your true 1RM. All percentages should be calculated off of your working 1RM.)

Metcon (Time)

6 rounds for time

3 Deadlift 315/225 lbs (or 70% of your 1RM)

9 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Run 200m

Rest 30 seconds after each round

KG: 145/100 KG

TC: 18 mins

Score: Time

Scaling Options


3 Deadlift @ Heavy

6 Box Jumps 20″/Plate Jump

100m Run


3 Deadlift @225/155 or 80%

9 Box Jumps 24″/20

200m Run


5 rounds for time

3 Deadlift @365/275

9 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 30 seconds After each round

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)

Double Bottom up KB Pullover

5 x 5

Rest as needed between sets