Friday, November 19th 2021

A. General
2 sets
10/8 cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200m Run @Easy
25’/25′ Single arm OH Carry
20 Seconds/side PNF lat stretch on floor

B. Specific
5 dip hold
5 Elbow rotations
5 btn Push press + pause in ext.
5 drop jerk
5 Push jerk
5 Split Jerk

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 rounds
7 @ 70%
5 @ 72.5%
3 @ 75%+
Rest 3mins between rounds

Change your own plates and try to make the final bar heavier each round

Score: Time of each round (3 scores)
TC: 15mins

Scaling options
3 rounds
20 Push press or Push jerks @moderate
Rest 2mins between rounds

Intermediate & COMP
As written

Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
20/16 Cal Row
10 Devils press 2×50/35lbs

Kg: 22.5/15
Score: Time
TC: 17mins

Scaling options
5 rounds
15/12 Cal Row
10 Devils press @2xmoderate

5 rounds
20/16 Cal Row
10 Devils press @2×35/25 lbs

As written

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Pendlay row
5 x 5 @Heavy Across

Goal: Upper pull and post chain strength