CrossFit – Sat, Nov 19
Metcon (Time)
2 rounds for time
30 CTB
60 Double-unders
60 Wallball 20/14 lbs
30 TTB
60 Double-unders
KG: 9/7 KG
TC: 28 min
Score: Time
Scaling Options
2 rounds
30 Jumping Pull Up
40 Single unders
40 Wallball @14/10 lbs
30 Hanging Knee Raise
40 Single unders
2 rounds
30 Pull Ups
40 Double unders
60 Wallball @16/10 lbs
30 Toes to eye level
40 Double unders
As Written
Metcon (Time)
Team Version
With a partner, switch whenever you’d like
4 rounds
30 CTB
60 Double-unders
60 Wallball 20/14 lbs
30 TTB
60 Double-unders
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Seal Row (Supinated grip)
3 x 8 @as heavy as possible
Rest 60 seconds between sets
A. General
Odd: Bike/Row/Ski
Even: 1 Burpee every 3,5,7 sec
B. Mobility
PNF hamstring stretch
5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot
5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back
C. Drills + Activation
3 sets
5-7 Box circle drills (CTB)*
10 Banded chest rows
15 Plate hops (low box jumps)
6 Wall balls @ AHAP
5-7 TTB to target drill