CrossFit – Mon, Nov 21
Back Squat (3×3 back squat
70%, 80%, 90% of working 1RM
Final set is a max set up to 10 reps.
Working 1RM is 90% of your actual 1RM)
70%, 80%, 90% of working 1RM
Final set is a max set up to 10 reps.
Working 1RM is 90% of your actual 1RM)
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
3 sets
30 Weighted Sky touches feet on bench
12/12 Side plank + hip raise
A. General
Amrap 5
100m Run
10 wall balls @ light
B. Mobility
Banded ankle stretch
10 repetitions/side
C. Specific
2 sets
10/10 Banded sidewalks
7/7 single leg glute bridge
5 jumping back squat @4sec down