2min Bike or Row @easy
B. Mobility
Prone PVC shoulder dislocates
10 reps
C. Specific
2 sets
1-3 Skin the cat / Knees to elbows
3-5 Ring beat swings*
3-5 Transition mu**
This specific warm up is a very dedicated skill session today:
*Teach the snap back pull with advanced athletes here.
**Have every athlete touch the rings today, teaching the beginners a strict ring mu with their legs on the floor, progressively getting more challenging to a transition muscle up with feet on the box.
Min 1: 15-20 V-ups
Min 2: 60% Max unbroken Ring muscle ups*
*If your max ring mu is 10 reps, come down @6
100′ Carry* @Heavy
20/18 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
2min Active rest between each round:
1 Burpee CTB every 20 sec
*Carry: Have fun- Sandbags, "D balls, farmers carries, Front Rack KB Carry, yoke, ect..
TC: 25 mins
Scaling options
100′ Front Rack KB Carry @2×24/16 Kg
15/12 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
2min Active rest between each round:
1 Burpee Pull Up every 20 sec
*everyone attempt to get chin over bar, no bands
Intermediate and COMP
As written
Accumulate 30 alternating reps
This is not for time, move with consistency and precision
Scaling options
Min 1: 10-15 Sit-ups
Min 2: 5 Jumping pull-ups@3sec down + 5 Box dips
Min 1: 15-20 V-ups
Min 2: Max Box supported Ring muscle ups*
*Be consistent here
Min 1: 25 GHD sit-ups
Min 2: 30sec Ring muscle ups