CrossFit – Sat, Nov 26
Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
6 Rounds
Max Effort Wall balls 20/14lbs (Cap 50 Reps)
12 Pull Ups
18/16 Cal row
Rest 1min
Scaling Options
Max Effort WB @ 14/10lbs
12 Jumping Pull Ups
12/10 Cal Row
Max Effort WB (Cap 50 Reps) @20/14lbs
8 Pull Ups
16/14 Cal Row
TEAM VERSION (6 Rounds for reps)
W/ A Partner, Run Together
6 rounds
Max Combined WB (Partner A max + Partner B Max)
24 Pull Ups (Split between partners)
24/18 Cal Row (Split between partners)
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
HS Walk Relay Race
Split the class into 2 teams
Best of 3 Races wins
25ft HSW per member
Scaling Options
50ft OH DB Carry @2×20/10lbs
3 Wall Walks
*Team can be mixed for skill levels.
A. General
3 rounds
1 min Row @ Easy-Moderate
10 Air squats
5 Med ball push press*
3 scap pull + hollow body
*Elbows in
B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg
C. Specific
3 rounds
5-10 Wall balls
4-6 pull-ups
6-8 cal Row @ hard