CrossFit – Thu, Nov 3
Metcon (Checkmark)
Every 90sec x 5 sets
1-3 Skin the cat
Score: For quality
TC: 8 mins
Scaling options
Beginner & Intermediate
5 x 1-3 Ball ups
Metcon (Time)
21-15-9 Demon press 2×50/35lbs
Perform after each set:
10 DB Step up overs 24/20β+ 2×50/35lbs
10 Box jumps 24/20β
KG: 22.5/15 KG
Score: Time
TC: 12mins
Scaling options
Demon press @ light (2DBs)
10 Box step up overs, unweighted
10 Jump over DBs after each round
Demon press @ 2×35/25lbs
10 DB step up overs
10 Box jumps after each round
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
3 sets
5/5 Deep Squat Pallof Press
5/5 Bird dog + band row
A. General
2 rounds @increasing intensity on each round
2 minutes Row or Bike
10 Scorpions
10 beat swings
B. Specific
5-7 mins of skin the cat progression
Set rings up at the floor like in the video and have athletes use it at each end range for stability. The goal is to keep tension the whole way through. Use spotters if possible, if this is not possible, the floor acts as the spotter.
For beginners who cannot pass through, use this session to see just how high they can “ball up” the goal for these athletes should be to turn the pelvis over as their knees roll upward.
C. Specific (Metcon)
9 Inchworms (straight legs)
9 DB Deadlifts
5 DB burpees
5 DB hang cleans
5 Demon press
6 step ups
6 weighted step ups
6 box jumps, step down