Friday, November 5th 2021
A. General
3 rounds
1 min Row or Bike
30 seconds
round 1: Inch worms
round 2: pvc prone press
round 3: Reverse plank
3 rounds
1 min Row or Bike
30 seconds
round 1: Inch worms
round 2: pvc prone press
round 3: Reverse plank
B. Mobility
Handstand superman drill
10-15 repetitions
*for members who can’t go upside down, use a pike position from a box or even from the floor.
C. Specific
2 sets
3 push-up to downward dog
7/7 Banded Y pulls
5 Push press
5 push jerks
Push Jerk (5×5 @75-80%)
Metcon (Time)
6 rounds
20/16 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
15 Snatches 75/55 lbs
Rest 2mins between rounds
20/16 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
15 Snatches 75/55 lbs
Rest 2mins between rounds
KG: 40/30
Score: Total time
TC: 20mins
Score: Total time
TC: 20mins
Scaling options
6 rounds
12/9 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
15 Snatches @light
Rest 2mins between rounds
6 rounds
20/16 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
15 Snatches @65/45 lbs
Rest 2mins between rounds
6 rounds
30/25 Cal Ski
15 Snatches @95/65 lbs
Rest 2mins between rounds
Extra Accessory
5 sets
6/6 Landmine Clean & press
8 Seated band rows
6/6 Landmine Clean & press
8 Seated band rows
Goal: Upper back power & strength hypertrophy
5 @75-80%
Score: Weight used across each set
TC: 15mins
Scaling options
Push Press or Jerk
Every 3 mins x 5 sets
5 @moderate
Intermediate & COMP
5 x 5 @75-80%
Rest 2-3mins