Saturday, November 6th 2021
A. General
60sec Row/Bike/Ski
10 Good Mornings
10 Pause air squats
60sec Row/Bike/Ski
10 Good Mornings
10 Pause air squats
B. Mobility
PNF banded lat stretch
2 sets of 10 reps/arm
C. Specific
2 rounds
100m Row @hard
20 Double unders
10 Wall balls
2-3 Devils press
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
For reps
2mins Box jumps 30/24"
2mins Wall ball 20/14lbs
2mins Devils Press 2×50/35lbs
2mins Wall ball 20/14lbs
2mins Box jumps 30/24"
2mins Box jumps 30/24"
2mins Wall ball 20/14lbs
2mins Devils Press 2×50/35lbs
2mins Wall ball 20/14lbs
2mins Box jumps 30/24"
2min Rest, then
Metcon (Time)
Total reps completed for time, partition how you like.
Metcon (Time)
Team Version
You go, i go; one partner working at a time
You go, i go; one partner working at a time
2 rounds for time
300 Box jumps 30/24"
300 Wall balls 20/14lbs
40 Devils press 50/35 lbs
Extra Accessory
Posterior cuff drop and catch with ball
3 x 10/shoulder
3 x 10/shoulder
1. Total reps
2. Time
TC: 30mins
Scaling options
For reps
2mins Box jumps @moderate
2mins Wall ball @light
2mins Devils Press @2xmoderate
2mins Wall ball @light
2mins Box jumps @moderate
2min Rest, then
Total reps completed for time, partition how you like.
For reps
2mins Box jumps @24/20"
2mins Wall ball @20/14lbs
2mins Devils Press @2×35/25lbs
2mins Wall ball @20/14lbs
2mins Box jumps @24/20"
2min Rest, then
Total reps completed for time, partition how you like.
For reps
2mins Double unders
2mins Wall ball @30/20lbs
2mins Devils Press @2×50/35lbs
2mins Wall ball @30/20lbs
2mins Double unders
2min Rest, then
Reps completed for time