Tuesday, November 9th 2021

A. General
1 min row or bike @easy
5 Inchworms
45 sec row or bike @mod
7 mini band wall slides
30 sec row or bike @hard
10 alternating Y arm raises on a box*

B. Ring Muscle up skill practice
3 x 3-7 reps

-False grip ring row
-muscle up, sit-up drill*
-Floor Transition ring mu

-Hips to rings
-Box transition ring mu

-Snap back ring beat swing
-Towel ring mu (pinch between feet)
-Medball weighted ring mu (between feet)

Metcon (Weight)
Every 2 mins x 6 sets
12 Slam Balls 20/14lbs
2 Weighted Ring muscle ups

KG: 10/8
Score: Weight on RMu
TC: 12mins

Scaling options
Every 2 mins x 6 sets
12 Slam Balls @light
4 Assisted pull-ups

Every 2 mins x 6 sets
12 Slam Balls @20/14lbs
2 Box Transition Ring muscle ups

Every 2 mins x 6 sets
6 GHD med ball toss
2 Weighted Ring muscle ups @vest + Med Ball between feet

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 rounds of

AMRAP 5 mins
50/40 Cal Row
50 Ring dips
50 TTB

1min rest between AMRAPs

Score: Rounds + reps, continue where you left off
TC: 17mins

Scaling options
30/25 Cal Row
50 Assisted dips
50 V-ups

50/40 Cal Row
50 Box Assisted Ring dips
30 TTB or 50 Toes to eye level

3 rounds
AMRAP 5 mins
50/40 Cal Row
50 Ring dips
50 GHD Sit-ups
1 min Active Recovery between rounds:
3-5 ring rows every 15 sec

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Time)
Banded Pike up hold
Accumulate 180 seconds