CrossFit – Wed, Nov 9


A. General

3 rounds

1 min Row or Bike

30 seconds

round 1: Inch worms

round 2: pvc prone press

round 3: Reverse plank

B. Specific Jerk Activation

2 sets

3 push-up to downward dog

7/7 Banded Archer rows

5 Push press

5 push jerks

Tips for jerk:

C. Specific Clean Drills (metcon)

4 RDL’s

4 Muscle cleans

4 Tempo cleans

Ramp up clen weight in sets of 1


2 rnds of

5 Cal row @ sprint

3 Wall balls

1 clean

Push Jerk (5 x 5 @75-80%)

TC: 15 mins

Score: Weight

Scaling Options


@weight across

Intermediate & Perform

As Written

Metcon (Time)

Every 2 mins x 7 sets

10 Cal Row

6 Wall Ball 30/20 lbs

2 Power Cleans 225/155lbs

KG: 14/9, 100/70 KG

TC: 14 min

Score: Slowest Interval Time

Scaling Options


8/6 Cal Row

6 Wall Ball 16/10 lbs

2 Power Cleans @RPE 7


10/8 Cal Row

6 Wall Ball 20/14 lbs

2 Power Cleans @185/115lbs or 75%


Every 2 mins x 8 sets

10 Cal Row @RPE 10 + Damper 1

6 Box jumps @ max height

2 Power Cleans @Heavy + Controlled descent

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)

Bent over Prone W

3 x 15

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Hold every rep for 2 seconds at the top