Tuesday, October 11th 2022


A General

Amrap 5 minutes

150m Stiff leg row

10 inchworm push ups

5 Beat swings


B. Mobility

Handstand superman drill

10-15 repetitions


*for members who can’t go upside down, use a pike position from a box or even from the floor.


C. Specific

10 box jumps, step down

5 pike HSPU

7 Box jumps with 2-3 bounds between jumps

5 Pike HSPU

5 Box jump with 1 bound between jumps

5 HSPU against wall/Pike HSPU

5 box jumps, bounding (if not possible, step down)

Work on deficit HSPU

Metcon (Time)

For time

50 Box Jumps 24/20″

30 Deficit Kipping HSPU @4”/2”


TC: 10 min

Score: Time


Scaling Options


30 Box Jumps / Step up

30 DB Push Press @ Heavy



50 Box Jumps @ 24/20

30 Kipping or Pike  HSPU



50 Cal Row

50 Deficit Kipping HSPU for time @4”/2′

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20minutes


10 HR Push-ups

12 Deadlift 155/105 lbs


*RX+ Ring push ups


KG: 70/50 kg

TC: 20 min

Score: Rounds and Reps


Scaling Options


6 Jumping Pull Ups

8 Hand on Box Elevated Push ups

10 Deadlift @95/65 lbs



6 Pull Ups or Assisted pull ups

8 Push ups

10 Deadlift @115/75 lbs



Amrap 20

8 Kipping CTB

10 Ring Push-ups

12 Deadlift @155/105 lbs

15 Cal Assault bike

*No butterfly

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)

KB/DB Bent over Row

3 x 10/10


One arm hold a KB bottom up while the other arm is performing repetition of Row

Neutral grip