Thursday, October 21st 2021
A. General
2 rounds
30 sec Row
30sec World’s greatest stretch (15sec/side)
30sec Rotating full squat T spine rotations
2 rounds
30 sec Row
30sec World’s greatest stretch (15sec/side)
30sec Rotating full squat T spine rotations
Prayer stretch with foam roller
3 x 5-10 breaths while holding the stretch
Butterfly progression: One set on each progression
-Circles on a box
-One leg
-One butterfly at a time
-consecutive butterflies
-tighter kip butterflies
-Circles on a box
-One leg
-One butterfly at a time
-consecutive butterflies
-tighter kip butterflies
*Stop and get 3 sets in where it’s challenging
Metcon (Time)
10 rounds for time
10 Hang power cleans 115/75lbs
10/8 Cal Row
10 Hang power cleans 115/75lbs
10/8 Cal Row
Score: Time
TC: 16mins
TC: 16mins
Scaling options
10 rounds
6-10 Hang power clean 45/35lbs
6-10 Cal Row
10 rounds
10 Hang power cleans @95/65lbs
10/8 Cal Row
Extra Accessory
3 sets
30sec squat hold
30sec V-sit on the wall
10 Alternating scorpions
30sec squat hold
30sec V-sit on the wall
10 Alternating scorpions
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
Intermediate & Beginner:
Jumping Kipping pull-ups
*Use these same drills but in a kipping pattern