Tuesday, October 26th 2021
A. General
3min Row @easy
3min Row @easy
B. Mobility
Prone PVC shoulder dislocates
10 reps
C. Specific
3 sets
3-5 Beat swings
3-5 Transition mu
Transition Mu
Metcon (Calories)
5 rounds
3min AMRAP
6 Ring muscle ups
12 Shoulder to OH 135/95 lbs
Max Cal Row in remaining time
1 min rest between amraps
3 sets
10 Ring rows
30 Banded Skull Crushers fast
10 Ring rows
30 Banded Skull Crushers fast
Score: For quality
TC: 10 mins
TC: 10 mins
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Power Endurance
Every 3 mins x 6 sets
10 Cal Ski or Row @RPE 10 + Damper @ 1
2 Thrusters @80% from the rack
Every 3 mins x 6 sets
10 Cal Ski or Row @RPE 10 + Damper @ 1
2 Thrusters @80% from the rack
Score: Total reps (Cals)
TC: 20 mins
Scaling options
5 rounds
3min amrap
6-12 Ring Rows
12 Shoulder to OH @light
Max cal row in remaining time
1 min rest between amraps
5 rounds
3min amrap
6 Box Transition ring muscle ups
12 Shoulder to OH @95/65 lbs
Max cal row in remaining time
1 min rest between amraps
5 rounds, each for time
3min amrap
10 Ring muscle ups
20 GHD sit-ups
Max cal row in remaining time
1 min Echo Bike active recovery between amraps