CrossFit – Fri, Oct 28


A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

1 minutes Row or Bike

10 Alternating Dead bugs

10 Alternating Bird dogs

B. Mobility

Push-up plank to shoulder extension on parallette or boxes

10 repetitions

C. Specific

2 sets

5 Scap pulls

5 Scap push

10 Slam ball

Metcon (Weight)

4 sets

3 Weighted dips

5 Strict Ring dips

7 Kipping Ring dips

2:00 recovery row/ski/row

TC: 18 min

Score: Weight

Scaling Options


3 Feet assisted Box dips

5 Band assisted Push ups/On knees

10 sec support hold on box or rings

2:00 recovery row/ski/row


2 Strict Ring dips

4 Assisted Ring dips

6 Kipping Ring dips

2:00 recovery row/ski/row


5 sets

3 Weighted dips

3 Tempo dips @3.2.X.1

3 Speed dips

30 cal Recovery Row

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

— 0:00

3 rounds

200m Run

10 Strict HSPU

— 6:00

3 rounds

15 TTB

10 DB hang cleans 2×50/35 lbs

— 12:00

3 rounds

8 DB Step ups 2×50/35 lbs, 24/20”

50′ HS walk (25’/25′)

KG: 22.5/15KG

TC: 18 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options


—2 rounds

200m Run

10 Strict Press 2×25/15lbs

—3 rounds

10 Hanging Knee Raise

10 DB hang cleans 2×25/15 lbs

—3 rounds

8 DB Step ups 1×25/25lbs

50′ DB OH Carry 2×25/15


3 rounds

200m Run

10 Pike HSPU / 3-5 Strict HSPU

3 rounds

15 Toes to eye level

10 DB hang cleans 2×35/25 lbs

3 rounds

8 DB Step ups 2×35/25 lbs

2 Wall climbs


As written (5 min windows)

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)

Standing Banded T

3 x 20 reps

Hold 5 seconds at peak contraction every 5 rep