Tuesday, October 4th 2022
A. General
1min Easy Machine
30sec Rotating Scorpions
1min Moderate Machine
30sec Scap pushes
1min Hard Machine
1min Easy Machine
30sec Rotating Scorpions
1min Moderate Machine
30sec Scap pushes
1min Hard Machine
B. Mobility
World’s greatest stretch
5 repetitions/side
C. Specific Gymnastic
Every 30 sec for 5 mins
1- 1-3 reps of Ring mu / Strict banded RMU/ Assisted strict pull-up
2- 5-7 Explosive beat swings (Advanced use rings)
3- 3 Banded oscillation
Metcon (Time)
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes
3 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Kipping Pull-ups
15/12 Cal Row
3 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Kipping Pull-ups
15/12 Cal Row
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10minutes
16 Burpees
200m Run
16 Alternating DB Snatch 1×50/35lbs
16 Burpees
200m Run
16 Alternating DB Snatch 1×50/35lbs
RX+ 70/50lbs
KG: 22.5/15 KG
Score: Rounds and Reps
Score: Rounds and Reps
Scaling Options
12 Burpees
200m run
12 DB Snatches @ 25/15lbs
16 Burpees
200m run
16 DB Snatches @ 35/25lbs
Amrap 10
20 Heavy rope double-unders
10/8 Cal Echo bike
12 Alternating DB Snatch @70/50 lbs
If you don’t have a heavy rope do 40 double-unders
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
4 sets
20 seconds hollow Banded lat Pulldown hold
40sec rest
20 seconds hollow Banded lat Pulldown hold
40sec rest
Score: Fastest Round’s Time
Scaling Options
3 Pull down/assisted strict pull up
5 Ring rows
10 Cal Row
2-4 Strict banded RMU
5 Kipping pull ups / Jumping pull ups
15/12 Cal Row
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes
5 Ring mu
10 Kipping Pull-ups
15 Cal Ski