Saturday, October 9th 2021

A. General
5 min Bike, row, ski
*every min complete 5 Air squats

B. Mobility
Prayer stretch with foam roller
3 x 5-10 breaths while holding the stretch

C. Specific
3 sets
5 Deadlifts @ascending
20 sec of double unders
5 Wall balls
5 Btn Snatch push press
5 Muscle snatch

Metcon (Time)
For time
100 Double unders after each set


3 rounds
30 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
30 Hang snatch 75/55 lbs

Set 1: 225/155 lbs
Set 2: 275/185 lbs
Set 3: 315/225 lbs

Set 1: 100/70
Set 2: 120/80
Set 3: 140/100
Wall ball: 10/8
Hang snatch: 35/25
Score: total time
TC: 25mins
Metcon (Time)
Team Version

3 rounds
200 Double unders
60 Wall balls @20/14 lbs
60 Hang snatch @75/65 lbs

Then build to a heavy 3 Partner deadlifts within the time cap.

Scaling options
*Reduce load in order to gain stimulus

Beginner: 100 Single unders, attempt a double under every 20 reps.
Intermediate: 50 Double unders

50′ HS walk after each set
Set 1: 275/185 lbs
Set 2: 315/225 lbs
Set 3: 365/255 lbs
Right into
Wall Balls @ 3020lbs
Snatch @ 115/75 lbs

Metcon (Weight)
Partner deadlift load

Extra Accessory
4 sets
10-20 sec/side Contralateral ring plank
Rest 30 seconds
10 Pike up in and out over KB
Rest 30 seconds