Friday, September 10th, 2021

A. General
2 Rounds
60 seconds Row/Bike/Run/Ski @Easy
10 Barbell good mornings
10 Samson lunges

B. Mobility
PNF Pigeon Stretch
5 seconds Contraction, pushing knee into the floor
5 seconds stretch, relax and bring the chest over the knee
*If any knee pain have the athlete elevate the leg, with the shin on a box

C. Specific
2-3 sets
5 Beat swings
5 deadlifts @ascending

Deadlift (1 x 20 @ 75%)
Score: Time + Weight used
TC: 10mins

4 x 5 Deadlifts @moderate
*Learning to move well TNG, carrying over tension from rep to rep, and locking out the top with the quads and glutes, as fatigue sets in

Intermediate & COMP
As written

Metcon (Time)

For time
20 reps @75%

Score: Time + Weight used
TC: 10mins

4 x 5 Deadlifts @moderate
*Learning to move well TNG, carrying over tension from rep to rep, and locking out the top with the quads and glutes, as fatigue sets in

Intermediate & COMP
As written

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 rounds
20 DB snatch @50/35 lbs
20 CTB
20 Lunges @135/95lbs *

Rest 1 min

Round 1: Back rack
Round 2: Front rack
Round 3: Overhead

KG: 60/40, 22.5/15
Score: Total time after the third round
TC: 20mins

Scaling options

3 rounds
20 DB snatch @light
20 Ring rows
20 Lunges @moderate or using DBs

3 rounds
20 DB snatch @35/25 lbs
20 Pull-ups or Assisted CTB
20 Lunges @95/65lbs

3 rounds, each for time
20 CTB
50′ Back Rack Lunges
50′ Front Rack Lunges
50′ OH Lunges
Rest 1:1

Extra Accessory
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Movement conditioning

Death by:

Bar facing Burpees
Minute 1: 2
Minute 2: 4
Minute 3: 6