Saturday, September 11th, 2021

A. General
3 rounds
30 sec Row or Bike
30 seconds
round 1: Inch worms
round 2: scorpions
round 3: Spiderman stretch

B. Mobility
PVC shoulder dislocate
10-12 Repetitions

-As close as you can while maintaining lock out and retraction in the scap

C. Specific
2 sets
5 Cals @hard
10 Jumping air squats
5 push-up to downward dog

Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 24 minutes for reps
Min 1: Cal Bike/Row/Ski
Min 2: Wall Balls @20/14 lbs
Min 3: Wall walks
Min 4: Rest

KG: 10/8
Score: Total reps

Scaling options

Min 1: Cal Bike/Row/Ski
Min 2: Wall Balls @light
Min 3: Inch worms
Min 4: Rest

As written

EMOM 20 minutes
Alternate between:
– Echo bike @70/60RPM
– Wall Balls @20/14
– Max HS walk
– Rest

Team WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Team WOD

Amrap 25mins
20 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 Wall Balls @20/14 lbs
6 Wall walks

You go, i go, one partner working at a time.

Extra Accessory
4 sets

10 Strict TTB
60 sec/side Star plank
Rest 30 se