Monday, September 13th 2021

A. General
Row 2mins
2 rounds
5/side lying clam shell
10 alternating cossack squats

B. Mobility
Goblet squat hold + shift
3 x 10 seconds stretch/ankle. Stand up for 5-10 seconds before the next set

C. Specific
6 Tempo back squats @30-50% (4.1.X.1)
40sec easy row
6 tempo back squats @ 60% (3sec down)
40sec easy row

Metcon (Time)
Back Squat
15 reps @80% for time

TC: 10mins

Scaling options
5 x 3 Squats @moderate
30 sec rest
*Learning to move well through full range of motion as fatigue sets in

Intermediate & COMP
As written

Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
16 DB Front Rack Lunges 2×50/35lbs
12 Box jump overs 24/20"
4 Devils press 2×50/35lbs

KG: 22.5/15
Score: Time
TC: 17mins

Scaling options
5 rounds for time
16 DB Front Rack Lunges @light
12 Box jump overs @low
4 Devils press @heavy
DBs@same weight

5 rounds for time
16 DB Front Rack Lunges @2×35/25lbs
8-12 Box jump overs @24/20"
4 Devils press @2×35/25lbs

8 rounds for time
16 DB Front Rack Lunges @2×35/20
12 Pull-ups
8 Burpees over DB

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Seal Rows
3 x 10
Rest 60 seconds between sets