Saturday, September 18th 2021
A. General
400m Run or Row @easy
400m Run or Row @easy
B. Mobility
Prone PVC shoulder dislocates
10 reps
C. Specific
3 sets
1-3 Skin the cat / Knees to elbows
3-5 Ring beat swings*
3-5 Transition mu**
This specific warm up is a very dedicated skill session today:
*Teach the snap back pull with advanced athletes here.
**Have every athlete touch the rings today, teaching the beginners a strict ring mu with their legs on the floor, progressively getting more challenging to a transition muscle up with feet on the box.
Metcon (Time)
For time, partition the reps in any way
150 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
100 Hang Clean 135/95lbs
50 Ring muscle ups
150 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
100 Hang Clean 135/95lbs
50 Ring muscle ups
Metcon (Time)
Team Version
For time, partition the reps in any way, one person working at a time:
300 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
200 Hang clean 135/95lbs
100 Ring muscle ups
For time, partition the reps in any way, one person working at a time:
300 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
200 Hang clean 135/95lbs
100 Ring muscle ups
Extra Accessory
Banded Good Morning
3 x 25 reps for quality
3 x 25 reps for quality
Goal: Posterior chain strength endurance
Be controlled and in a good position.
Be controlled and in a good position.
Score: Time
TC: 30mins
Scaling options
10 rounds for time
10 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
10 Hang clean @light
5 Jumping pull-ups* + 5 box dips
*Control the eccentric
For time, partition the reps in any way
120-150 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
100 Hang clean @95/65lbs
30-50 Transition ring muscle ups or:
5 Pulling variations (CTB) + 5 pushing variations (Ring dip)
3 x Amrap 5
10/6 Cal assault Bike
10 Burpees
10 Hang Snatch @95/65
Rest 2 minutes between each amrap