Sunday, September 19th 2021

A. General
5 min Row/Bike/Ski/Run
At the top of each min: 3-5 burpees

B. Mobility
PNF hamstring stretch
5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot
5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back

C. Specific
Post chain activation
2 sets
10/10 single leg banded abduction*
10 single leg glute bridge
5 jumping squat

Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
40 KB swings 32/24kg
200 Double-unders
40 DB Thrusters 2×50/35lbs
100 Air squats
40 DB Push press 2×50/35lbs

KG: 22/16
Score: Time
TC: 35 mins

Scaling options
3 rounds
40 Russian KB swings @moderate
200 Single unders
40 DB Thrusters @2xmod
50 Air squats
40 DB Push press @2xlight
DBs@same weight

3 rounds
40 KB swings @24/16kg
100 Double unders
40 DB Thrusters @2×35/25lbs
50-100 Air squats
40 DB Push press @2×35/25lbs

Extra Accessory
Cool down 3-4 minutes on bike or rower

Lower Body Flow