Friday, September 2nd 2022

A. General
60 sec Row or Bike
10 rotating scorpions
5 push up to downward dogs
60 sec Row or Bike
10 Alternating Box Y raises
5/5 Single arm banded straight arm lat pull down

B. Specific
Min 1- 10 straight arm banded lat pull downs
Min 2- 3 scap pull-ups + 5 pause ring rows

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
Get to 50 strict C2B pull ups in as little set as possible

TC: 8 min
Score: Sets

Scaling options:
Beginner & Intermediate :
30-50 Banded strict pull ups

Get to 50 Bar mu in as little sets as possible

Metcon (Time)
For Time
50 Cal Row/Bike
50 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
200m Farmer’s carry 2×24/16kg
50 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
50 Cal Row/Bike

KG: 9/7 KG
TC: 18 min
Score: Time

Scaling Options
30 cal Row/Bike
30 Wallballs @14/10 lbs
200m Farmer’s carry @ 16/8KG x2
30 Wallballs @14/10 lbs
30 Cal Row/Bike

50 cal Row/Bike
40 Wallballs @20/14 lbs
200m Farmer’s carry @ 24/16KG x2
40 Wallballs @20/14 lbs
50 Cal Row/Bike

50 cal Bike
50 Wallballs @20/14
300′ Sled Push Sprint @light
50 DB Snatch @50/35lbs
50 Cal Row

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Checkmark)
10 rounds
15 sec L-sit on parallettes
30 sec OFF

Goal: Core + hip flexor endurance

Modify by either bending the knees or one leg straight at a time