Tuesday, September 21st 2021
A. General
2 rounds
30sec Row @increasing intensity
10 V-ups from the hollow position
10 Prone W-Y
2 rounds
30sec Row @increasing intensity
10 V-ups from the hollow position
10 Prone W-Y
B. Mobility
Prayer stretch
2 sets of 5 deep breaths
Rest as needed between sets
C. Specific
2 Sets
5 Banded W pull apart + 6 Rotating Scorpions
Ring Muscle up skill practice
5 x 5-7 reps
Skill practice options
-False grip ring row
-muscle up, sit-up drill*
-Floor Transition ring mu
-Hips to rings
-Box transition ring mu
-Snap back ring beat swing
-Towel ring mu (pinch between feet)
-Medball weighted ring mu (between feet)
Metcon (Time)
30 Ring Muscle-ups for time
*Every time you break complete
20 Wall balls 20/14lbs
*Every time you break complete
20 Wall balls 20/14lbs
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
15 Pull-ups
12 Deadlift 155/105lbs
9 Hang Power Clean 155/105lbs
15 Pull-ups
12 Deadlift 155/105lbs
9 Hang Power Clean 155/105lbs
KG: 70/50
Score: Time
TC: 15mins
Score: Time
TC: 15mins
Scaling options
5 rounds
15 Jumping pull-ups@2sec down
12 Deadlift @Same as clean
9 Hang Power Clean @moderate
5 rounds
9 Pull-ups or 15 Assisted pull-ups
12 Deadlift @115/75
9 Hang Power Clean @115/75
As written
Extra Accessory
2 x 12 Bent over lateral raise
2 x 12 Trap-3 raise
2 x 12 Banded Pulldown
2 x 12 Trap-3 raise
2 x 12 Banded Pulldown
Rest 60 seconds between each set for every exercise
Score: Time
TC: 12 mins
Scaling options
For Time, partitioning anyway
Pull variation + dip variation
30 + 30
*Every time you break complete
10 Wall balls @light
For Time
Box transition ring mu
30 reps
*Every time you come down complete
10 Wall balls @20/14lbs
For quality
4 Deficit Strict HSPU @12”
6 Deficit Strict HSPU @8”
8 Deficit Strict HSPU @6
10 Strict HSPU
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat Kipping