Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
A. General
2 rounds
30 sec Row
30sec Full squat T spine rotations
2 rounds
30 sec Row
30sec Full squat T spine rotations
B. Mobility
Elevated Banded ankle rocks
2 sets of 10 -15reps/side, hold every stretch for 2-3 seconds
C. Specific
2 sets
3 Back squats @1 1/4 + ascending
10 Broad jumps
3 Pause* wall balls @As high as possible
*Pause in the bottom
Back Squat (20 reps @ 75%, For time)
Metcon (Time)
Back Squats
For time
20 reps @75%
Score: Time
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
12 Front squats @155/105lbs
10 Power Cleans @155/105lbs
6 Strict HSPU
KG: 70/50
Score: Time
TC: 12mins
Score: Time
TC: 12mins
Scaling options
5 rounds for time
12 Front squats @moderate
10 Power Cleans @moderate
6 Strict DB press
5 rounds for time
12 Front squats @135/95lbs
10 Power Cleans @135/95lbs
6 Piked HSPU
12 Deadlift @155/105
8 Power Snatch @155/105
6 Strict HSPU
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Odd: 100′ Farmer Carry
Even: 100′ Sled Push
Odd: 100′ Farmer Carry
Even: 100′ Sled Push
Lower push/upper pull endurance
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
4 x 5 Squats @moderate
1min rest
*Learning to move well through full range of motion as fatigue sets in
Intermediate & COMP
As written