Not for time:
200m run
12 jumping air squats
12 sit-ups or hollow rocks
12 ring rows
200m run
10 jumping air squats
10 sit-ups or hollow rocks
10 ring rows
200m run
8 jumping air squats
8 sit-ups or hollow rocks
8 ring rows
200m run
6 jumping air squats
6 sit-ups or hollow rocks
6 ring rows

Metcon Rx
Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)
Every 2 mins for 20 mins do:
6 Toes-to-bars
max rep Row Calories, 12 secs

Super Fitness Robot reps:
15 calories or more per 12 sec interval for men.
10 calories or more per 12 sec interval for women.

More Likely reps:
8 calories or more per 12 sec interval for men.
6 calories or more per 12 sec interval for women.
(consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)

Remove ego, embrace scaling. Be smart. Be safe. Support each other. Have fun, and post your results.

Metcon Scaled
Every 2 mins for 20 mins do:
6 Hanging Knee Raises
max rep Bike Calories, 12 secs

Hanging Knee Raises, Hollow Rocks, or AbMat Sit-ups

No Equipment Workout
Every 2 mins for 20 mins do:
6 V-ups
Sprint, 100 m

Cool Down
400m walk, then stretch.

Cobra Stretch (abs)
1-2 mins.

Straddle Stretch
Hold 1-2 mins.