CrossFit WOD, December 4, 2021

Saturday, December 4th 2021Warm-upA. General 60sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ easy 30sec Banded good mornings 45sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Moderate 30sec Banded T pull aparts 30sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Hard B. Mobility Front rack bent elbow stretch 5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec...

CrossFit WOD, December 3, 2021

Friday, December 3rd 2021Warm-upA. General 60 seconds Row/Bike/Run/Ski @Easy 10 /10 Single Leg Glute Bridge 30 Seconds Elbow Plank B. Mobility PNF hamstring stretch 5x/leg 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot 5 seconds stretch, pulling your...

CrossFit WOD, December 2, 2021

Thursday, December 2nd 2021Warm-upA. General 1 min Easy Row 30sec rotating scorpions 1 min Moderate Row 30sec Mountain Climbers 1 min Hard Row B. Specific 2 sets 5 breaths in the Prayer stretch 5 Back rack elbow rotations 5 Btn push press 5 pause push press...

CrossFit WOD, December 1, 2021

Wednesday, December 1st 2021Warm-upA. General 60sec Row/Bike/Ski 7 Pause Frankenstine Squats @empty bar 10 Rotating T spine squats B. Mobility Rotating Hip 90/90 1min C. Specific 3 sets 4 Front squat 1 & 1/4: ramp up 4/4 bulgarian split squatWeightliftingMetcon...

CrossFit WOD, November 30, 2021

Tuesday, November 30th 2021Warm-upA. General 2 rounds 30sec Row @increasing intensity 10 V-ups from the hollow position 10 Prone W-Y B. Mobility Prayer stretch 2 sets of 5 deep breaths Rest as needed between sets C. Specific 2 Sets 5 Banded W pull apart + 6 Rotating...

CrossFit WOD, November 29, 2021

Monday, November 29th 2021Warm-upA. General 3 rounds 60sec Row 30sec World’s greatest stretch (15sec/side) 30sec Rotating full squat T spine rotations B. Specific 2 sets -5 Muscle snatch -5 Power snatch balance -5 Tall Power SnatchWeightliftingMetcon (Time)For...

CrossFit WOD, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28th 2021Warm-upA. General 3 rounds -1min Bike-Row-Ski-100m Run -10 Alternating Scorpions B.Specific 2 sets 5/5 single arm DB floor press 30sec Banded shoulder activation* WeightliftingMetcon (Weight)DB Bench Press (Neutral Grip) Work up to a heavy 5...

CrossFit WOD, November 27, 2021

Saturday, November 27th 2021Warm-upA. General Alternating Tabata – Burpee to plate – Plate ground to overhead Alternating Tabata – Plank Plate Drag* -Curtsy lunges B. Mobility PNF hamstring stretch 5x/leg 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the...

CrossFit WOD, November 26, 2021

Friday, November 26th 2021Warm-upA. General 3 rounds 1 min Row or Bike 30 seconds round 1: Inch worms round 2: Prayer stretch with foam roller round 3: Reverse plank + march B. Specific 3 paused push press 3 Tall jerks* 3 jerks * (land in whatever receiving position...

CrossFit WOD, November 25, 2021

Thursday, November 25th 2021Warm-upA. General EMOM 4 Odd: Bike/Row/Ski Even: 1 moderate height box jump 3,5,7 sec B. Mobility PNF hamstring stretch 5x/leg 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot 5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back C....

CrossFit WOD, November 24, 2021

Wednesday, November 24th 2021Warm-upA. General Amrap 4 minutes 12 In and out squats 10 Squat clean wall balls* 8 Banded lateral hops (4per side) *Not a med ball clean, A med ball clean into a wall ball Banded lateral hops: B. Specific 7 RDL 7 muscle clean 7 Elbow...