by Sean Osborne | Oct 8, 2021 | WOD
Sunday, October 10th 2021Warm-upA. General 60sec Row or Bike 10 rotating scorpions 10 rotating full squat T spine rotations 30 sec Row or Bike B. Mobility PNF hamstring stretch 5x/leg 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot 5 seconds stretch,...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 7, 2021 | WOD
Saturday, October 9th 2021Warm-upA. General 5 min Bike, row, ski *every min complete 5 Air squats B. Mobility Prayer stretch with foam roller 3 x 5-10 breaths while holding the stretch C. Specific 3 sets 5 Deadlifts @ascending 20 sec of double unders 5 Wall balls 5...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 6, 2021 | WOD
Friday, October 8th 2021Warm-upA. General 3 rounds 30 sec Row or Bike @Hard 10 Wall balls 5 box jumps + step down @moderate height B. Mobility Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive 2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg C. Specific 5 Back squats 5 Btn press 5 Elbow...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 5, 2021 | WOD
Thursday, October 7th 2021Warm-upA. General 2 rounds 30sec Bike/Row/Ski 5/5 Banded Y pulls 10 Standing banded rows 15 sec of double unders B.Mobility 60sec Quadruped calf pedals C. Specific Rope climb practice *Practice different styles of leg locks and climbing up...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 4, 2021 | WOD
Wednesday, October 6th 2021Warm-upA. General 60sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ easy 30sec Banded good mornings 45sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Moderate 30sec Banded T pull aparts 30sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Hard B. Mobility Front rack bent elbow stretch 5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 3, 2021 | WOD
Tuesday, October 5th 2021Warm-upA. General 1 min row or bike @easy 5 Inchworms 45 sec row or bike @mod 7 mini band wall slides 30 sec row or bike @hard 10 alternating Y arm raises on a box* B. Ring Muscle up skill practice 3 x 3-7 reps Beginner: -False grip ring row...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 2, 2021 | WOD
Monday, October 4th 2021Warm-upA. General 2 sets 30sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run 10 Cossack Squats 10 Banded Overhead Squats B. Mobility World greatest stretch 2 sets of 10-15 rep/side C. Specific 2 sets@ ascending 3 Power snatch balance 3 High hang power snatch (pockets)...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 1, 2021 | WOD
Sunday, October 3rd 2021Warm-upA. General 3 sets 30 seconds Row @Low intensity 7 Good mornings 5 Muscle Clean (no hook grip, no contact) B. Mobility PNF Pigeon Stretch 5 seconds Contraction, pushing knee into the floor 5 seconds stretch, relax and bring the chest over...
by Sean Osborne | Sep 30, 2021 | WOD
Saturday, October 2nd 2021Warm-upA. General 3min Bike, row, ski, or run *every min complete 3-5 burpees B. Mobility PVC Dislocates 10-15 repetitions C. Specific 2 sets 3 Banded wall-slides, slow and controlled 5 HS hold scap push, facing wall Then do 3-5 reps on each...
by Sean Osborne | Sep 29, 2021 | WOD
Friday, October 1st 2021Warm-upA. General 3 rounds 60sec Row 30sec Samson Stretch 30sec Rotating full squat T spine rotations B. Mobility World greatest stretch 2 sets of 10-15 rep/side C.Specific @ working weight 3 Snatch Deadlifts 5 box jumps 3 Snatch high pulls 5...
by Sean Osborne | Sep 28, 2021 | WOD
Thursday, September 30th 2021Warm-upA. General 800m Easy run, nose breathing 20 straight leg front to back swings/leg 20 straight leg side to side swings/leg 1 min Hard run B. Mobility 60sec Quadruped calf pedals C. Specific 3 sets 50ft A skips + 50 ft butt kicks 50ft...